Cammer Musicus

Baroque Orchestra

Cammer Musicus Logo Landscape.png

Cammer Musicus is a local baroque orchestra founded by Die Konzertisten Charity Institute with support from the Early Music Society of Hong Kong. The orchestra is dedicated to giving historically informed performances of music of the 17th- and 18th-centuries, and to promote it to the general public. The orchestra gave its critically acclaimed debut in December 2015, performing Handel Messiah under the baton of baroque music specialist Jonathan Cohen. In 2016-2018, the group performed a number of Bach’s cantatas according to their liturgical seasons with Die Konzertisten in its Bach Pilgrimage Series. In April 2017, they performed Bach St John Passion under the leadership of world-renowned Bach scholar and interpreter John Butt. In January 2018, musicians of the group travelled to London for an exchange with the award-winning period instruments ensemble Arcangelo. After that, they performed in Hong Kong with baroque flautist Marten Root and baroque cellist Viola de Hoog, master musicians of their respective instruments. Last September, Cammer Musicus performed alongside musicians of Arcangelo, playing music by Bach, Telemann, Handel, Vivaldi, Marcelo, and Buxtehude.

本地古樂團 Cammer Musicus(CM) 由 Die Konzertisten(DK)合唱團創立,並獲香港早期音樂協會支持。樂團致力透過「鑑古演奏」(Historically Informed Performance)向大眾推廣17及18世紀古樂。樂團於2015年12月在高恩帶領下首演,聯同 DK 演出韓德爾《彌賽亞》,大獲好評。2016至2018年間,DK與CM推出「樂旅巴赫」系列,根據教會節期演出多首巴赫清唱劇。2017年4月,DK及CM在著名巴赫學者及指揮畢特棒下,演出巴赫《聖約翰受難曲》。2018年1月,CM的成員遠赴倫敦,與屢獲獎項的大天使古樂團交流,回港不久後與巴洛克大提琴家狄皓及巴洛克長笛家盧茨演出。去年9月的《巴赫樂緒》音樂會中,CM與大天使古樂團在港演出巴赫、泰利文、韓德爾、韋華第、馬徹勞及布斯泰烏德的作品。