Music Director: Felix Yeung
Resident Conductor: Sanders Lau
“...The high-standard, refined musicking by the Hong Kong choir Die Konzertisten is surprising and gratifying…[they] deliver the music with a perfectly blended voice, natural phrasings and utmost devotions.”
Now in its 11th season, Die Konzertisten (DK) is recognised as one of Hong Kong’s foremost chamber choirs. DK’s repertoire ranges from Renaissance polyphony and Baroque masterpieces to Romantic delicacies and newly commissioned works.
DK regularly collaborates with internationally distinguished artists, including conductors Stephen Layton, Jonathan Cohen, John Butt, Helmuth Rilling, Nicholas Cleobury, Chen Yun-hung, baroque cellist Viola de Hoog, baroque flautist Marten Root, countertenors Iestyn Davies and Tim Mead; and has performed such diverse works as Handel’s Israel in Egypt, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Mozart’s Requiem, Bruckner’s Mass in E minor, Duruflé’s Requiem, Howells’s Requiem, and Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms.
A keen advocate of Baroque music, DK ardently promotes the historically informed performance of early music to the local audience. In the 2018/19 season, DK collaborated with the award-winning period-instrument ensemble Arcangelo and its director Jonathan Cohen, giving two unique concerts, including Bach’s Mass in B minor. Other highlights throughout the years include Handel’s Messiah, Bach’s St John Passion and St Matthew Passion, Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu Nostri, and Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas.
DK regularly appears in Hong Kong Arts Festival’s programmes, including Les Siècles: BERLIOZ 150 (2019), Madame White Snake (2019), Estonian National Symphony Orchestra & Male Choir (2018), Debussy’s Pelleas et Melisande (2018), Dream of the Red Chamber (2017), Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch - Iphigenia in Tauris (2014), and The Britten 100 Project (2013). The choir has also been invited to work with other prominent local musical organisations, such as Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Children’s Choir, RTHK4, Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, PRISM Chamber Music Festival, and Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra.
“本地合唱團 Die Konzertisten精煉的演出令人驚艷…[他們]的聲音完美調和,自然地表達樂句,而且極致投入其中。”
Die Konzertisten(DK)成立於2008年,為香港頂尖的室樂合唱團,演唱曲目廣泛,由文藝復興複調音樂、到巴洛克鉅作、浪漫派精萃,以至全新委約的當代作品 。
DK致力透過「鑑古演奏」(Historically Informed Performance)演出並推廣巴洛克音樂。2018/19樂季中,DK 兩度與於歐洲獲獎無數的大天使古樂團及其指揮高恩合作,演出巴赫《B小調彌撒曲》及其他巴洛克時期作品。過去亦曾演出不少巴洛克作品,包括韓德爾《彌賽亞》、巴赫《聖約翰受難曲》及《聖馬太受難曲》、布克斯特胡德《耶穌的軀體》、浦賽爾《狄多與阿尼亞斯》。
DK經常獲邀演出香港藝術節節目,包括:法國世紀樂團:白遼士150(2019)、白蛇傳(2019)、愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團及男聲合唱團(2018)、德布西《佩利亞斯與梅麗桑德》(2018)、盛宗亮歌劇《紅樓夢》(2017)、翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場《死而復生的伊菲格尼》(2014)、布列頓百歲誕辰紀念音樂會(2013)。其他曾合作的藝團包括:香港小交響樂團、香港兒童合唱團、香港電台第四台、香港作曲家聯會、PRISM 室樂音樂節、香港城市室樂團等。
Banner photo by Yatho - Photography and Music.