Experience the Sound of Our Time
St John’s Cathedral, 4-8 Garden Road, Central | 香港中環花園道4-8號 聖約翰座堂
Featuring 演出曲目
World Premiere
New Commissioned Work by Ian Ng 伍家駿撰寫全新委約作品
(text by Suyin Mak | 詞:麥淑賢)
Fang-Wei Luo 羅芳偉: Jin-Lung Temple 金龍禪寺
Fuk-Wing Yim 嚴福榮: Shui Diao Ge Tou 水調歌頭
Chen Yi 陳怡: Spring Dreams 春曉
Chen Yi 陳怡: Xuan 玄
Ernest Hui 許家臻: Shudaonan 蜀道難
Herbert Howells: Requiem
Ola Gjeilo: Unicornis Captivatur
House Programme coupon 場刋
$180 | $120 (Full time students and senior citizens aged 60 or above 全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士)
Seat Reservation & Enquiries 訂座及查詢